Shopping carts
LightFlow allows you to integrate three different types of shopping carts:
LightFlow's Info+ feature is described here already so the next lines on this page describe how to set up a shopping cart using either fotomoto or smartCart.Setting up a fotomoto shopping cart
What is Fotomoto? "Fotomoto prints, packs, and ships orders to your customers, so you can relax and focus on your art. Fotomoto makes it easy to sell your photos directly from your own website. All you have to do is choose what products to offer and how to price them."
In a few simple steps you'll have your own Fotomoto shopping cart integrated into your LightFlow album. Just follow the guide:
1. Sign up with Fotomoto
If you don't have yet a Fotomoto account, please create one at Fotomoto. That's free!Once logged-in, you have a lot of options to specify your selling options, such as prices, discounts, sizes and formats, paper quality and so on:

2. Copy Fotomoto's Store ID to LightFlow
Copy Fotomoto's Store ID:
...and paste it into LightFlow's GUI:

The "fotomoto Store ID" textfield is only active if both checkboxes "Shopping cart" and "fotomoto" are selected.
3. Rebuild your album
Rebuild your album. "Make changes" is sufficient and much faster than "Make all" because jAlbum doesn't need to rescale the images if already done before.As you can see, you can have the Fotomoto shopping cart displayed on every thumbnail image...

...and/or on all slide images:

Once clicked on the shopping cart icon, Fotomoto opens with all the options you've specified for your shopping cart:

As for example prints...

...or e-cards, or many more:

Well, before the shopping cart really opens, you need:
4. Upload your album
Fotomoto doesn't work offline, so you need to upload your album to your webserver.You're done, enjoy selling your photos! :)
Hint: For best print quality, you should also upload your originals to a protected, private or hidden folder. Just tell Fotomoto where and how it can pick them up.
The steps how to do this are already explained in jAlbum's blog, see section "4. Upload the originals".
Setting up a smartCart shopping cart
By using LightFlow's smartCart feature, you may integrate a simple shopping cart which allows your album visitors to select products and send you an inquiry either by e-mail or by a form-to-mail-service like if you don't have or don't want your own server-side form processing.
The advantage of smartCart is that it's very easy to set up. It does not require any server-side technologies. Also, no payment services like paypal are involved. In fact, you just add prices to your products in jAlbum's/LightFlow's GUI, build and upload the album to your webspace. The album visitor may select products and sends you an inquiry when he/she checks out the cart.
In a few simple steps you'll have your own smartCart shopping cart integrated into your LightFlow album. Just follow the guide:
1. Set prices
In jAlbum's/LightFlow's image editor, set for each product (each photo) a price. The price should be a numeric value whereas the decimal point is a dot (not a comma). Please don't use grouping (thousand) separators or any currency symbols else smartCart could not calculate the sum of the selected products and would print out "NaN" wich means "Not-a-Number".
2. Select smartCart
In tab "Fine-tuning" of jAlbum's/LightFlow's GUI select "Shopping cart".In the text field "Send cart to URL" enter the destination address where the shopping cart form has to be sent to. If it begins with "mailto:" then, upon checkout of the shopping cart, the default e-mail application of the album visitor will pop up and ask him/her to send you the inquiry. As you can see in the screenshot, after "mailto:" is your own e-mail address to which the form will be sent. The following "?subjct=Inquiry" presets the subject of the e-mail, so your customer doesn't need to type it again.
If you don't want to rely on the e-mail application of your album visitor, you either need server-side technologies which are able to process a form or you need a form-to-e-mail service like which will receive the form and send you automatically an e-mail about. In the latter case you'd enter in the text field "Send cart to URL" the URL of the provider as for example
A server-side form processing solution would furthermore allow to implement an online payment like paypal or any other payment provider.

3. (re-)build and upload your album
Finally build or rebuild your album and upload it to your webspace.Both thumbnail and slide images will show a shopping cart symbol:

4. smartCart in action
Once clicked the shopping cart symbol, smartCart opens and shows all products (photos) of the whole album whereas the actual clicked product has automatically the focus, here "earrings 4".In order to automatically focus on the clicked product, it is important that all your photos in all folders of your album have unique file names.
For example, instead to name photos in my folder "earrings" simply "01.jpg", "02.jpg", "03.jpg" and so on, I prefixed the file name with the folder name as for example "earrings01.jpg", "earrings02.jpg", "earrings03.jpg" and so on. Doing so, file names are unique among all folders of the album and can automatically be focused by smartCart when clicked.

As you can see in the above screenshot, users may also search among all products or filter them by category. A category corresponds to a folder.
The selected items and their quantity show up in "My Cart" as the following screenshot shows.

Once clicked "Checkout", an e-mail is prepared to be sent by the customer to you (see next screenshot) as long as you've opted to use "mailto:" as described above. If not, your customer needs to enter some contact details like customer ID or e-mail address (see previous screenshot), so you are able to contact him/her.

The prepared e-mail contains the fields of the shopping cart, so you can identify the products and their quantity your customer is interested in.
If you prefer to process the form by your own server-side solution or by a form-to-e-mail provider as described above, then you'll receive the same content. Also, the customer will see an apropriate message upon checkout instead of the above "E-Mail with inquiry created, please send it." which is shown only when "mailto:" is used.