Sample albums

As LightFlow allows to build highly customized photo albums, these few example albums on this site can give only a short overview. However, I hope you'll find enough inspiration to play around with LightFlow's options in order to create your own photo album.
Use the scroll wheel of your mouse to flip through the photos. Clicking on it displays the photo you've clicked in a bigger format, either over the whole screen (like these examples) or just inside the iframe where the album has been embedded.
If you are looking for the old examples made with LightFlow 2.x, please click here.

The first example album was built almost with LightFlow's default settings. Click here to open the album in a new window.
Here you can see the new search feature (since v3.5.0) which does NOT require any server side technologies such as a database, php or such. Just choose which info should be searchable (title, name, comment, keywords, exif, info+ etc.), generate the album, upload it and you're done :)
These photos carry some geographic tags e.g. France, Paris, Germany, Latin America but also Beach, Cloud, Nature etc. If you enter for example "france beach" (without double quotes), you'll see all photos of french beaches. Just click the search icon of the first album below to test the search instantly.

The second example uses the gallery type "round about" with "circular flow" enabled. The scrollbar and labels are hidden and the gallery slideshow is started automatically. Click here to open the album in a new window.

The third example is showing the gallery type "straight" with "circular flow" enabled. As you see, I've played around a bit by changing some colors - and of course, you can use any color! :-) Click here to open the album in a new window.

As you see, background images look nice too since the reflections may be transparent as well.
Moreover, with the new option "Real height" you can adapt the size of the thumbnails exactly so they fit best into the frame.
The last example shows new features of LightFlow v3.4:
Firstly, you can add a header image which is shown on all index pages.
Secondly, you can show a menu bar which links to all top level folders of your album, in this case "clouds, flowers, buildings, videos". This menu bar is displayed on every index page even when going to deeper nested subfolders.
So, it's your decision whether you prefer such a menu bar or LightFlow's traditional navigation bread crumbs.
Last but not least you can add a footer menu bar pointing to web pages outside of the album, as for example "about, pricing, credits, contact".
Using the new features of LightFlow 3.4 (and newer) you not only can build photo albums but even professional looking websites in just a few mouse clicks.